These alien attacks came in droves or waves, at first constant, later intermittent, but always frequent. It wasn't until recently that I noticed that I always lagged behind the boys in my recovery from these attacks. Although I have lived in Spain before and wasn't experiencing true culture shock, I was dealing with a "new" family - they looked and sounded like my children, but sure didn't act like them. I tried and tried and tried so so hard to be impervious to their whining and bickering, to remain relaxed and pleasant, to allow my mood to beckon them rather than theirs to decide mine. But I acknowledge that my alien remained until I was absolutely confident that theirs were gone. This single-parent-thing is toughest in these moments; I never felt like I could let my guard down. I have learned that I am not yet at a place where I can remain in complete control of my behavior without allowing theirs to influence me. There were times when I spent entire meals and even days with friends without finishing a single adult conversation, because I spent the whole time correcting my children for outlandish (acknowledgement of subjectivity) behavior I did not know they were capable of. Hours of such behavior. With no respite. Unless they were stuck in front of a screen, I did not enjoy a moment of peace. I apologized to my friends repeatedly, explained that we aren't normally this unpleasant; I felt icky and contaminated and cancerous. In response, I groped. We had family meetings, made up star charts, discussed allowance charts with lists to track fines from offenses, made for quiet time and fun outings, discussed how normal it was to act out when we feel out of our element or out of control. But still they railed, taking their frustrations out on each other, on themselves, on me. I occasionally threw out for subpar the training and multiple parenting classes I have under my belt and, with pleasure, crossed lines. Although I never arrived at reacting physically to my children, they saw a lurking, unpleasant side. On a few occasions I was snarky and sarcastic, yelled at them, compared them to other children their age. I once told one child he was acting like a jerk and the other that I wanted to slap him. I saw them throw fits and felt no mercy. Simply, I had none of my regular tools and was at a loss; after all, what do you take away when a child has already lost all of his privileges and you have neighbors' comfort to consider? Of course, later in quiet moments, I felt for them. I knew how difficult this had to be, that this was a normal part of the process. I hugged them and kissed them and told them how proud I was of their efforts. I marveled at their achievements, reminded them. I hugged them again. I tried to explain that I understood, but had to do my job.
What we all have learned thus far is beyond words. I have no doubt that we are better people for our experiences here, that our lives have changed for the better. The boys have grown up so much in some ways, and regained a sweet youthfulness in others. Although the first month of our trip was extremely challenging, I can feel that there has been a shift. We have begun to simply live our lives, instead of struggling to adapt. I like to think that we climbed from its base an underwater volcano, and have now reached the beach of the tropical island. The crusade is over. It is all exploration from here on out.
Wow, I still complain about the cigarrette smoke, the dog poop and traffic!! Congrats!!! :D
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful mother you are! Thanks for doing all that you have done for our children. And thanks for sharing this in written form. Very inspiring to read.
ReplyDeleteOh my Caroline, you sure have had a challenging time. If anyone could pull something like this off, with family relations intact, it's you! If your children don't fully appreciate for now,what a totally amazing mom they have, they can't help but know it down the line! How great you have this blog to document and share your stories. And, this has really made me think about a timeframe for our eventual journey to Guatemala - the difference in experience and lessons to be learned in a 1-month trip versus a 6-month chunk of life. Congrats on ousting the aliens, and thanks for sharing!