At times I love to break down what I love about humankind, right now I'm greatly appreciating our natural ability to love and help each other.
Beginning in 2007 our dear friend Luzía has come to spend a summer month with us in Montana, at least every two years. We have grown to love her like family as we've watched her grow from a barely fourteen year old to now almost twenty. We met Luzía through my "brother-from-another-mother" José, whose story is connected to another true fairy tale that speaks of the size and grace of the human heart. Luzía and José are cousins, their age gap the same as hers and mine. We looked forward to seeing her in her element, meeting her family and friends, hearing their stories. We were greeting by her parents´smiling faces as we left the airport at 9:30 AM.
"Look, I'm sorry to rush you, but we've got to hurry to the car to get to the courthouse before 11 so we can get the paperwork needed to turn into the school administration building before 12:30 so the boys can start school on Monday. Welcome to Madrid!" (As though we could be upset with them for taking time off work to meet us at the airport and drive us around town, making arrangements to our benefit.) Cell phone? Check - charged and ready. Internet? Check - we have a spare "pincho" you can use. Bank? Check - talked to the people at the bank down the street. And the list goes on.
After leaving admin and celebrating the stamped papers in hand, we stopped for a lesson in big-city-small-person-pedestrian-manipulation, followed by a quick beer and tapas that ended with a sleeping six-year-old at the table; the trip had finally caught up with him. After showing us their lovely and comfortable home, we allowed ourselves a short nap, a visit to the cold and empty park and then a delicious nights' rest from 11:30 PM to 1:30 PM the following day.
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