We arrived in Madrid on Wednesday the 8th, landing 3o minutes earlier than expected. During the plane ride over the big charco we slept very little, even with 3 seats each to ourselves. Regardless, A and H arrived refreshed and fired up, ready to begin their Big Adventure. After grabbing their various electronic devices and bounding out of the plane, the boys greeted Spain "a todo volumen," thrilled with the sights of a large city and the absolute joy of shiny mechanized travel tools that beckon them like the sirens of lore. "When I'm a grown-up, I'm just going to go up and down and up and down these things, girrrrl!" (A certain six year old has taken to calling me "girrrrrrl.") With nothing more than a friendly "buenos días" in customs, we walked through with no wait, immediately grabbed ALL OF our bags and walked out the door to find our smiling friends awaiting us on the other side.
I love this!!! Keep updating!!! It is so good to see the boys so excited. thinking of you so much...